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Google Pay payments with decrypted payment token data

The PayCross system can process payment, authorization and charge requests with the decrypted encryptedMessage object of a payment method token provided by Google.


You must be Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant to decrypt and store the payment tokens from Google Pay.

Transaction processing with the decrypted payment token


To initiate a payment with the decrypted Google Pay data, send the payment, authorization or charge request, where you should submit the decrypted Google Pay token as the value of request.credit_card.token in the format described below.

The required format of the decrypted Google Pay token sent as a card token

Submit the decrypted Google Pay token in requests as the card token in the $begateway_google_pay_decrypted_1_0_0$<base64-decoded_encryptedMessage_here> format, where:

  • $begateway_google_pay_decrypted_1_0_0$ is the required prefix for the decrypted Google Pay token;
  • <base64-decoded_encryptedMessage_here> is the decrypted encryptedMessage property of the signedMessage serialized into JSON and then converted to the Base64-strict format.

The required format of the JSON-serialized decrypted encryptedMessage property

The following JSON format applies to encryptedMessage data for a CARD paymentMethod with a PAN_ONLY authMethod:

  "gatewayMerchantId": "exampleGatewayMerchantId",
  "messageExpiration": "1605688385100",
  "messageId": "AH2EjtfFdKzFFyRez8NvZnFtcO6saD6xskCulEo6hhacv22qJDPksntDoCUJUiGjnWHA6aj7CIBH6j6-vHIDg0wfA-2pazC6_tTuQw7TOCYqz8lcq2ygEnlDMTBYeNivv_iQVbzDAiZM",
  "paymentMethod": "CARD",
  "paymentMethodDetails": {
    "expirationYear": 2025,
    "expirationMonth": 12,
    "pan": "4111111111111111",
    "authMethod": "PAN_ONLY"

The following JSON format applies to encryptedMessage data for a CARD paymentMethod with a CRYPTOGRAM_3DS authMethod (а card is authenticated with the use of a 3-D Secure cryptogram):

  "gatewayMerchantId": "exampleGatewayMerchantId",
  "messageExpiration": "1605688385100",
  "messageId": "AH2EjtfFdKzFFyRez8NvZnFtcO6saD6xskCulEo6hhacv22qJDPksntDoCUJUiGjnWHA6aj7CIBH6j6-vHIDg0AwfA-2pazC6_tTuQw7TOCYqz8lcq2ygEnlDMTBYeNivv_iQVbzDAiZM",
  "paymentMethod": "CARD",
  "paymentMethodDetails": {
    "expirationYear": 2025,
    "expirationMonth": 12,
    "pan": "4111111111111111",
    "authMethod": "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS",
    "cryptogram": "RDYjvbjpicdaygiFGCZ=",
    "eciIndicator": "07"
Example of the payment request with the decrypted Google Pay token
    "description":"Google Pay transaction",

The response to the payment request with the decrypted encryptedMessage is returned with the final transaction processing status. It fully matches the response to payment or authorization requests.