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beProtected verification service

beProtected is a service to check payments against rules that PayCross and merchants can set to their preferences to protect against fraud. The beProtected verification service precedes all other payment checks that the system and acquirers apply to processed transactions.

Set the rules

The rules and their sets are configured in the PayCross back office on the Rules tab. Moreover, you can apply the rules either to one of your shops or to all of them.


If beProtected rules are set, the PayCross system returns a response with the be_protected_verification section, specifying:

Parameter Type Description
be_protected_verification object A section of parameters of the beProtected verification service.
status * required
string A status of the beProtected verification.
Possible values:
failed - The transaction doesn't pass the beProtected verification. It wasn't sent to a processing network to charge the card;
successful - The transaction passes the beProtected verification.
message * required
string A service message. It contains either an error description if it happens or a description why beProtected verification failed.
limit object A section of rule parameters set to monitor if the transaction amount satisfies limits imposed on your merchant account. Applicable only to payment or capture transactions.
volume boolean true, if the transaction amount exceeds the maximum allowed monthly volume. Otherwise, false.
count boolean true, if the count of processed transactions exceeds the maximum allowed monthly transaction count. Otherwise, false.
max boolean true, if the transaction amount exceeds the maximum allowed amount per transaction. Otherwise, false.
current_volume integer A volume of payment and capture transactions that are successfully processed in the current month.
current_count integer A count of payment and capture transactions that are successfully processed in the current month.
white_black_list object A section of rule parameters set to monitor if the number, ip and email transaction parameters are blacklisted.
card_number string The customer's card number present in a list.
Possible value:
absent - The card number is neither in the white, not in the black lists;
white - The card number is white-listed;
black - The card number is black-listed.
ip string The customer's IP address present in a list.
Possible value:
absent - The IP address is neither in the white, not in the black lists;
white - The IP address is white-listed;
black - The IP address is black-listed.
email string The customer's email present in a list.
Possible value:
absent - The email is neither in the white, not in the black lists;
white - The email is white-listed;
black - The email is black-listed.
rules object A section of sets of processed rules with their verification results. It consists of three subsections: a PayCross rule set, a merchant rule set, and a shop rule set. Any of these subsections can be empty.
PayCross object A section of the verification rules applicable at the PSP level.
{rule 1 name} object A name of Rule 1 given upon the rule creation.
{rule 1 condition} string AND-ed rule conditions with its verification statuses.
Possible values:
passed - The rule was processed, and the transaction parameters don't meet the conditions;
reject - The transaction parameters met the conditions, and the transaction is declined;
review - The transaction parameters met the conditions that require transaction review;
skipped - The transaction doesn't pass the check, required parameters are missing;
error - An error occurred during the check again the rule.
{rule N name} object The same as for Rule 1.
{rule condition} string The same as for Rule 1.
merchant object A section of the verification rules applicable at the merchant level in the format (PayCross internal id)_{merchant name} for example 1_John Doe.
{rule 1 name} object A name of Rule 1 given upon the rule creation.
{rule 1 condition} string AND-ed rule conditions with its verification statuses.
Possible values:
passed - The rule was processed, and the transaction parameters don't meet the conditions;
reject - The transaction parameters met the conditions, and the transaction is declined;
review - The transaction parameters met the conditions that require transaction review;
skipped - The transaction doesn't pass the check, required parameters are missing;
error - An error occurred during the check again the rule.
{rule N name} object The same as for Rule 1.
{rule N condition} string The same as for Rule 1.
shop object A section of the verification rules applicable at the shop level in the format {shop_id}_{shop_name} for example 123_My Shop.
{rule 1 name} object A name of Rule 1 given upon the rule creation.
{rule 1 condition} string AND-ed rule conditions with its verification statuses.
Possible values:
passed - The rule was processed, and the transaction parameters don't meet the conditions;
reject - The transaction parameters met the conditions, and the transaction is declined;
review - The transaction parameters met the conditions that require transaction review;
skipped - The transaction doesn't pass the check, required parameters are missing;
error - An error occurred during the check again the rule.
{rule N name} object The same as for Rule 1.
{rule N condition} string The same as for Rule 1.
Response example
      "1_123_My Shop":{
        "more_100_eur" : {"Transaction amount more than 100 AND Transaction currency is EUR": "passed"}
      "1_John Doe":{},

beProtected test data

To test how your resource processes the beProtected response section, enable the test mode and use the following transaction data which are black-listed for test purposes by PayCross:

Transaction parameter Value
number 4111111111111111
email [email protected]

If you submit payment, capture, or authorization transactions with any of the above-mentioned values, PayCross returns a response with the be_protected_verification section with the white_black_list subsection in the response.